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Kids Corner

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Welcome to the Kids Corner. There is many things you can do such as print and color pictures, play games, and much , much more. Hope You Enjoy It !!

FDNY Colouring Page
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Boy Firefighter Colouring Page
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Fire Truck Snack
-1 Plate
-1 1/2 Graham Crackers
-4 tiny ritz Crackers
-Stick Pretzels
-Black Licorice
-Softened Cream Cheese or Icing Sugar
-Red Food Coloring
-A Red Jellybean, Red Dots Candy, A Cherry or A Strawberry
1)Add food coloring to the cream cheese or icing sugar, which will be used as glue. Have an adult help you.
2)Start with one graham cracker, spread icing sugar or cream cheese on the out side of the cracker .
3)Put half of a graham cracker on top of the icing sugar or cream cheese , which will amke the cab of the firetrcuk.
4)Past down a red jellybean, a red dots candy , a cherry or a strawberry on top of the cab  which will make teh lights.
5)Past four tiny ritz crackers to the sides which will be the wheels.
6)On the back of the truck past two pretzels parrellal to each other. Past half pieces to make a tiny ladder.
7)Past a piece of licirice which will be the firehose.

Firetruck Box Toy
-A Cradboard Box
-Four Papaer Plates
-Red And Black Paint
-3 Paint Brushes
-Black, White, Orange Construction Papaer
1)Paint a cardboard box red and let it dry.
2) Paint four paper plates black and let dry.
3)Cut two headlights and fenders from teh white construction papaer and glue onto the end of the truck ( which will be the front of the truck).
Cut a windshield and windows from blue construction paaper and glue onto the truck.
4) Glue the wheels onto the truck.
5)Cut two ladders from orange or brown construction paper and cut two hoses from black construction paper.Cut white wheels smaller thn the wheels for the hub cabs. Then glue all theses to the sides of the truck.

Elmo's Fire Safety Game

Fire Prevention For Older kids (early teens)

Fire Saftey

Fire Safety Puzzles And Paint